Findings from the “2019 CUPA-HR Faculty in Higher Education Report.”

According to the 2019 CUPA-HR Faculty in Higher Education Report, full-time faculty members saw an average pay increase of 1.7% over the past year.  Full-time faculty off tenure-track saw increases of 1.8% while tenured and tenure-track faculty saw average increases of 1.6%.

CUPA-HR also found that the health field saw the most faculty hires over the past year with 1,410 new assistant professors getting hired.  Health professions also had the highest pay for non-tenure-track professors.  Other disciplines with a high rate of growth include architecture and resources and conservation.

CUPA-HR also looked at representation and pay equality for women and underrepresented minorities in higher education.  They found that representation varied by field and that it decreased with faculty rank.  For instance, the report found that, while women made up 47% of faculty, 58% of department chairs were men.  Similarly, while minorities made up 21% of faculty, 85% of department chairs were white.

Finally, this was the first year that CUPA-HR gathered data on professors’ highest degrees attained.  The report showed that four-fifths of all full-time professors across baccalaureate, master’s, and doctoral institutions had terminal degrees.  These professors also earned substantially more than their colleagues with master’s degrees.  The report also noted that 90% of tenure-track professors had a doctorate, compared to 50% of non-tenure-track faculty.

These are some of the major findings from the 2019 CUPA-HR Faculty in Higher Education Report.  Are you interested in more higher education news or looking for a consulting firm with experience with higher education institutions or medical centers?  Then don’t hesitate to contact the professionals at McKnight Associates, Inc.  We are ready to offer you hands-on human resources consulting for colleges, universities, medical centers, and organizations of all sizes.