Learn about the new California bill that eliminates sick leave transfer time limits for all education levels.

In July of this year, Governor Gavin Newsom signed a new bill that eliminates sick leave transfer time limits for faculty at all education levels.  This legislation, sponsored by the Faculty Association of California Community Colleges (FACCC), was designed to address a major grievance shared by part-time community college faculty throughout the state.

Currently, California faculty are required to transfer their sick leave from one district to another within three years.  FACC members point out that, while this system makes sense for part-time K-12 faculty, it leaves part-time community college faculty in the lurch.

Richard Hansen, FACC member, and retired community college faculty member explains:

“Part-time community college faculty never know for sure when they’ve left one district and won’t be going back.  So it’s awkward for them to be transferring sick leave around when it may be a number of years before they get another assignment. But then a call will come, they take a new assignment, and right away they are back working with a district that they thought maybe they were going to leave and didn’t.”

Essentially, the FACC found that many part-time faculty members were not sure when to transfer their sick leave.  As a result, many of their members were losing this earned benefit.  With the new bill, the FACC looks to eliminate the sick leave transfer time limit and save their members this confusion.  The new legislation will go into effect on January 1, 2020.

This is what you need to know about the new California bill that eliminates sick leave transfer time limits.  Looking for a consulting firm with experience working with salary, legal, and other human resources issues?  Then don’t hesitate to contact the professionals at McKnight Associates, Inc.  We are ready to offer you hands-on human resources consulting for colleges, universities, medical centers, and organizations of all sizes.