Employers must regularly evaluate employee performance to ensure all team members are helping the company. The weakest link can bring down productivity and morale. Setting work-at-home policies help unify a remote team. It’s important to have a plan to boost employee performance to avoid employee burnout and declining profits.

Annual Employee Performance Evaluation

It’s common for employers to provide staff members with an annual employee performance evaluation. Since the pandemic, many companies have implemented new real-time technology for tracking employee performance. But the pandemic also lowered productivity in various ways, such as increased mental health issues.

Managers could not foresee the pandemic and were unprepared for a rapid digital transformation to support remote work. But the more resilient companies could establish work-from-home jobs and maintain profits. From this experience, managers should understand the importance of preparing for disaster. To hang on to a productive workforce, it’s important to offer them remote jobs in times of crisis.

Preparing for the next disaster should include setting up a process for evaluating remote work. Maintaining regular employee or freelancer evaluations helps the employer pinpoint where productivity problems exist on the team.

Keys to Boosting Employee Performance

  1. Establish Standards

    Setting standards is the key to boosting employee performance in the next evaluation. Let employees know company goals and milestones within reasonable timelines. It will help team players focus on the company’s priorities.

  2. Set Clear Goals

    Employee evaluations help employees develop a clear vision of their role in the company. Insightful evaluations can even boost employee performance and morale. Often, an individual needs to be told what they’re doing wrong and how to correct it. Be sure to provide company policy documentation in the onboarding process.

  3. Give Constructive Feedback

    Ideally, the employee doesn’t take constructive criticism personally and seeks another employer. Maintaining and building a consistent team of skilled and knowledgeable workers strengthens a business, whereas constant turnover weakens it. Be sure your feedback and criticism are constructive and aim to improve the employee’s performance.

  4. Meet with Employees Personally

    Staying in touch with your employees is crucial to motivating them to keep improving at work. These meetings allow you to learn about the individual and show sympathy for their ambitions. Positive one-on-one conversations are healthy for team-building. Ultimately, it aligns team members with the company’s vision to create a cohesive workforce.

  5. Use Employee Surveys

    It’s also advantageous to go beyond individual and group meetings in collecting staff feedback. You’ll get valuable employee insights through company surveys and a suggestion box about improving the work experience.

  6. Be Honest with Employees

    Let employees know you’re trying to help with career guidance. At the same time, be honest about their strengths and weaknesses regarding their work ethics and output.


Improving workplace productivity through a people-oriented approach that communicates your company’s goals and visions is possible. It starts with inspiring leadership and engagement with employees on a personal level. Contact the experts at McKnight Associates, Inc. for more information on how to boost employee performance.