Job Classification & Compensation
Staff Compensation and Job
Evaluation Approaches
We view pay systems as part of an employee
relations strategy adding value to organizational excellence. One that links individual and team rewards to improved performance. We encourage employee involvement and collaboration in our projects to ensure smooth transitions from traditional to new pay approaches. And we design our programs to provide greater accountability to the goals of the campus and a closer link to market reality.
relations strategy adding value to organizational excellence. One that links individual and team rewards to improved performance. We encourage employee involvement and collaboration in our projects to ensure smooth transitions from traditional to new pay approaches. And we design our programs to provide greater accountability to the goals of the campus and a closer link to market reality.

Point Count Job Evaluation “ePDQ”
McKnight has developed an electronic Position Description Questionnaire (ePDQ) that collects job description information easily and asks detailed questions about every facet of the job. Responses to those questions are assigned a point value based on a number of mitigating factors. Those values are summarized to provide a total score for the job. The chief advantages of the ePDQ tool is its ability to quantify the job value quickly and efficiently.
HR professionals interested in ongoing compensation administration may use our “Self-Score” maintenance tool to submit information though our server, accommodating further scoring and salary grade slotting. The tool returns an immediate analytical point-count value to the user (via email from McKnight’s server) pertaining to the position being evaluated.